Database Final Project Proposal

Group Member:
Galastu Chandra Utama – 2101710920
Ida Bagus Ryogassa Avatara – 2400100323

For the final project, we are making a game store by using Visual Basic as the GUI and MySQL as the DBMS. The table will contain things like customer_id, customer_fname, and customer_lname for the customer. The games table will contain name, id, genre, description. It also has admin to be able to add and modify the games table. We have one temporary table for the transaction, every time the customer buys a game the table will be updated and the customer can see the history of their purchase.

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Database Final Project Contribution

We divided the project into two. The admin side and the customer side. For connecting the database with Visual Basic we work together using the Visual Basic Live Share feature, so we can work remotely.

My contribution:

  • Doing the admin side GUI
  • Creating most of the databases

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Database Final Project L3BC

Group Member:
Galastu Chandra Utama – 2101710920
Ida Bagus Ryogassa Avatara – 2400100323

For our Final Project, we have created the GUI using and MySQL as the DBMS.

User Manual (Customer)

Login Page

This is the login page for the Game Store, we can Log In if we already have the credential for it. If not we create a new user by pressing the New User.

User Register

For the one who hasn’t have the credential, they can register here.

Customer Page

On this page, the customer can choose and buy the game that they wanted, then choose their bank payment.

Transaction History

By pressing the history tab from the page before, the customer can see their purchase history on this store.

Customer Profile

On this page, the customer can see their information on their profile.

Forget Password

If the user forgets their password, they can recover it by using their User ID and the Pin that they use when registering on the store.

Change Password

This page is used for the user to change their password.

User Manual (Admin)

Login Page

Admin also uses the same login page as the customer.

Admin Page

On this page, the admin can see the game that the store sells. Also, there are more options for the admin.

Admin Profile

The first page is the admin profile, where they can see all of their information regarding their role in the game store.

Admin Update Page

On this page, the admin can modify the administrator role.

Staff List

This page shows the staff that is currently registered in the store.

Customer List

This page shows the list of the customer that is currently registered in the store.

Staff Input

The admin can input the new staff that will be working on the store with this page.

Game Input

The admin can input the game with this page, by typing in the data for the game.

Modify Info

The admin can also modify the data on this page, like if the game had a price change.




Transaction [id, cust_id, total, bank_id, Date, game_id]


Game[game_name(pk), price, game_id]

Transaction [ID(pk), cust_id(fk), game_id(fk), bank_id(fk), Date]

Bank[bank_id, bank_name]

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